Pretty bags don't carry enough, big bags aren't stylish enough. A new line of diaper bags by Debbie Rott has found a solution forthis mommy dilemma.
The "Eva Rocker" diaper bag is designed with real moms in mind. It's roomy design and tons of pockets allow you to stash all the baby and mommy gear you need for a day out. The exterior is pure rock n' roll with plenty of studs and zippers to truly make a statement. Crafted out of American leather, it is durable to baby spills and requires just a damp rag cleanup.
Available in a wide range of colors from standard rock n' roll black to a pretty preppy pink.
You can buy Debbie Rott Diaper bags at select online retailers such as My Little Ducks and Childish today!
My sister bought me one as a gift and I love it!!! Wherever I go women comment on my "purse"...they are surprised when I tell them it's a diaper bag. The bag has a lot of useful & easy to reach pockets. This bag is a great gift to give & receive!
I feel like a such a movie mom walking around with my bag. I love it! It's the perfect purse and diaper bag and completely durable and spill proof! A perfect gift for a first time mommy!!
Living in LA it's hard to be a cute and functionable Mommy that is Hollywood Chic... but with my rockin mommy diaper bag, I fit right in! I don't even mind using it as a purse too!!!!!!!!!!!
This bag doubles as a fashionable handbag and a functional diaper bag. It fantastic! I get so many compliments. Every mom must have one.
It's so darn hip, I love telling friends it's a diaper bag. Even my husband loves it. Very practical and plenty of pockets for everything too. I can't wait to see what new bags this designer comes up with - they're so cool!
Super chic and functional. This mommy loves it!!!
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